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CheckSeal™ 22 AB Thin

Two-Component Sealant

Check Seal™ 22 AB is a two component, catalyzed sealant that cures to a rock hard consistency and delivered in a pre-measured kit for easy application. Both parts are mixed then applied with a high-pressure lubricator. It is used in industrial applications, including sealing flange gaskets, valve stems, drain plugs and couplings. It can also be used in conjunction with clamps and pipewrap applications.

Typical Characteristics

ApplicationsTough solvents, acids and bases
Temperature Range-300°F to 400°F (-45°C to 204.44°C)
Limitations-300°F to 400°F (-45°C to 204.44°C)
AppearanceColorless and yellowish viscous liquids
Injection Characteristics 500 psi, flows well with minimum hydraulic pressure but can be poured directly into place
Long Term ChangesNone
Storage70°F or lower
Working Time2.5 Hours

Packaging Information

Item NumberUnit SizeQuantity
CS22T0811Thin Quart Kit
CS22T0911Thin 2 Gallon Kit